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硿 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 硿

硿 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 硿

硿 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 硿

Pinyin kōng
13 strokes
定义:「硿」 1. 〔~青〕药石。 [Meaning] Medicinal stone. 2. 撞击声 ([En.] clang) [Meaning] Sound of a strike. 【引】 1. 宋· 苏轼《石钟山记》:寺僧使小童持斧,于乱石间择其一二扣之,硿硿焉。 [Quote] Song dynasty author Su Shi's "Record of Shizhong Mountain": The temple monk had a young boy hold an axe, and among the scattered rocks, he chose one or two to strike, producing a sound of clang. 【例】 又如: 硿然(水激石声); 硿硿(击金石声); 钟硿硿焉(这里指硿硿地(发出声响)。指用斧撞击石头发出的声音。焉,与“然”同。形容词词尾) [Example] For instance: 硿然 (sound of water striking stone); 硿硿 (sound of metal striking stone); 钟硿硿焉 (here refers to the sound of clang, describing the sound produced when striking stone with an axe. "焉" is similar to "然", used as an adjectival ending). 3. 用于地名。 [Meaning] Used in place names. 4. 用于地名:硿南(在广东省五华)。 [Meaning] Used in place names: 硿南 (located in Wuhua, Guangdong Province).
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