磽 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 磽
Stroke Order Diagrams for 磽
Information of 磽
1. 堅硬的石頭。
- Hard stone.
2. 堅硬。
- Hard.
3. 同“ 墝 ”。土壤堅硬貧瘠。
- Same as "墝". Hard and barren soil.
- Example: 磽瘠 (hard and barren), 磽薄 (thin and barren), 磽埆 (hard and barren).
- Reference: "磽,石地。" (磽 means stony ground.) - 《廣韻•肴韻》.
- Reference: "磽,與墝同。土瘠也。" (磽, same as 墝. Barren soil.) - 《正字通•石部》.
4. 薄。
- Thin.
- Example: "形細翼磽輕巧,滅燈撲燭投明。" (The wing is thin and light; extinguishing the lamp to cast light on.) - 《西遊記》第八十四回.
5. 山田。
- Mountain field.
6. 同“ 礉 ”。石不平。
- Same as "礉". Uneven stones.
7. 同“ 磝 ”。山多小石。
- Same as "磝". A mountain filled with small stones.