Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "端", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "端", and master the standard way of writing the character "端".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 端
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "端" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
end / extremity / item / port / to hold sth. level with both hands / to carry / regular
端 [duān]
1. Straight, not slanted.
- 正,不歪斜:正(①事物不歪斜;②正派,正确;③使端正)。端丽。端然。端庄。端秀。端静。端坐。
2. Upright, proper.
- 正派,正直:端方。端直。端重。品行不端。
3. One end or aspect of an object.
- 事物的一头:端的(dì)(①事情的经过,底细;②的确,果然;③究竟。均亦称“端底”)。端倪。端详。事端。争端。
4. To hold something level with the hands.
- 用手很平正地拿:端盆。端碗。端茶。把问题端出来说清楚。
5. A surname.
- 姓。
6. The original meaning: standing straight.
- 【本义】:站得直
7. Derived meanings:
- 同本义 ([En.] straight)
- 端正。引申为正直 ([En.] upright; proper)
8. Noun meanings:
- End of an object ([En.] end)
- Top ([En.] top)
- Beginning ([En.] beginning)
- Omen ([En.] omen)
- Main threads ([En.] main threads)
- Limit ([En.] limit)
- Train of thought ([En.] train of thought)
- Cause ([En.] cause)
- Pretext ([En.] pretext)
- Kind ([En.] kind)
- A kind of gown from the Zhou dynasty ([En.] a kind of gown)
- Approaches; ways; means ([En.] approaches; ways; means)
9. Verb meanings:
- To look up and down ([En.] look sb. up and down)
- To hold something level with both hands ([En.] hold sth. level with both hands)
- To speak out ([En.] speak out)
10. Adverb meanings:
- Really; indeed; if indeed ([En.] really; indeed; if indeed)
- After all; in the end ([En.] after all; in the end)