Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "云", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "云", and master the standard way of writing the character "云".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 云
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "云" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
(classical) to say, cloud / (abbr.) for Yunnan / surname
云 yún
1. 说话,引文。
[En.] Speaking, quoting.
2. 文言助词,句首句中句末都用。
[En.] A classical Chinese particle used at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence.
3. 水气上升遇冷凝聚成微小的水珠,成团地在空中飘浮。
[En.] Water vapor rises, cools, condenses into tiny droplets, and floats together in the air.
4. 指中国“云南省”。
[En.] Refers to Yunnan Province in China.
5. 通“芸”。众多。
[En.] Homophonic to "yún"; means numerous.
6. 通“纭”。纷纭。
[En.] Homophonic to "yún"; indicates a mixed or chaotic situation.
7. 同本义 ([En.] cloud)
[En.] Same original meaning as cloud.
8. 大气中的水蒸气,凝聚而成小水滴或水粒,或与雨共存时肉眼可见的集合体,叫做云。
[En.] Water vapor in the atmosphere that condenses into small droplets or particles, visible to the naked eye when present with rain, is called cloud.
9. 比喻轻柔舒卷如云之物。
[En.] A metaphor for things that are light and softly flowing like clouds.
10. 造成损害、毁损、受到怀疑或有争议的某事物。
[En.] Refers to something that causes damage, is disputed or controversial.
11. 借指高空 ([En.] upper air; high altitude).
[En.] Borrowed term for high altitudes.
12. 指环绕某种物体的一种假定介质 ([En.] atmosphere).
[En.] Refers to a hypothesized medium that surrounds an object.
13. 云南省的简称 ([En.] Yunnan).
[En.] The abbreviation for Yunnan Province.
14. 姓.
[En.] A surname.
15. 比喻高 ([En.] high).
[En.] A metaphor for height.
16. 比喻疏远 ([En.] remote).
[En.] A metaphor for distance or remoteness.
17. 比喻飘泊不定 ([En.] moving).
[En.] A metaphor for being unsettled or wandering.
18. 说 ([En.] say; speak).
[En.] To say or speak.
19. 有 ([En.] have).
[En.] To have.
20. 为,是 ([En.] be).
[En.] To be.
21. 旋 ([En.] revolve; turn).
[En.] To revolve or turn.
22. 无实在意义。
[En.] Has no concrete meaning.
23. 如此; 这样 ([En.] such; so).
[En.] Such; so.