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綖 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 綖

綖 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 綖

綖 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 綖

Pinyin yán、 xiàn
12 strokes
綖 1. A type of decorative ornament that covered ancient hats. 古代覆盖在帽子上的一种装饰物。 2. An ancient term meaning "to prolong" or "to slacken." 古通“延”,延缓;松懈。 3. Noun: An ornament that hangs down from the front and back of ancient hats. 名词 古代垂覆在帽子前后的饰物。《玉篇.糸部》:“綖,冕前后垂。”《左传.桓公二年》:“带裳幅舄,衡紞紘綖。” 4. Verb: To delay or prolong. 动词 拖延、延缓。《吕氏春秋.审分览.勿躬》:“若此则形性弥羸,而耳目愈精;百官慎职,而莫敢愉綖。” 5. A term that is also synonymous with “line.” 古同“线”。
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