膇 [zhuì]
1. 脚肿。
Swelling of the foot.
2. 脚肿:“民愁则垫隘,于是乎有沉溺重膇之疾。”
Swelling of the foot: "When the people are troubled, they may become hindered, leading to a serious condition of swelling in the feet."
3. 名:脚肿(English: swelling of foot)。亦喻文辞臃滞。
Noun: Swelling of the foot. It is also used metaphorically to describe cumbersome language.
4. 引:
1. 南朝梁· 刘勰《文心雕龙》:适有重膇疾,蒸郁非所宜。
Reference: Liu Xie from the Southern Dynasty, "Wenxin Diaolong": At this moment, afflicted with severe foot swelling, being in a muggy environment is not suitable.