Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "贅", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "贅", and master the standard way of writing the character "贅".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 贅
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "贅" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
贅 (zhuì)
1. 多餘的,多而無用的:superfluous, excess and useless. Examples include: 累 (léi) 贅, 贅述, 贅言, 贅詞.
2. 招女婿:to marry into the wife's family. Examples include: 贅婿, 入贅, 招贅.
3. 會聚:to assemble; gather together.
4. 方言,使受累贅:dialectical usage to cause burdens. Example: 這孩子贅得我什麼也幹不了 (This child burdens me so much that I can't do anything).
5. 同「 綴 」:to join together; to connect.
贅 (zhuì)
- 【本义】 : to pawn (抵押).
- 【造字法】 : compound character. Based on 敖貝, where 敖 means "release", and 貝 is related to wealth.
1. 同本义 (pawn).
2. 聚會 (assemble).
3. 通「綴」 (join together).
4. 增添;附加 (add; attach). Example: 贅名 (additional listing).
5. 累贅;禍害 (burdensome).
1. 多餘;無用 (superfluous). Examples include: 贅木 (excess wood), 贅人 (useless person), 贅土 (unproductive land), 贅敘 (superfluous explanation), 贅物 (excess items).
2. 惡的 (evil). Example: 有獨見之慮,見贅於人 (To be concerned about being seen as burdensome to others).
1. 就婚於女家與改爲女家姓的男子稱爲「贅婿」:a son-in-law who marries into the wife’s family and takes her surname. Examples include: 出贅 (going out to be a 贅婿), 招贅 (to invite a son-in-law), 入贅 (to marry into the wife’s family).
2. 頸椎骨 (cervical vertebra).
3. 贅瘤;肉瘤 (superfluous or useless growth). Example: 贅疵 (tumor; metaphorically refers to anything extra or useless).