Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "貿", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "貿", and master the standard way of writing the character "貿".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 貿
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "貿" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. 商業活動如交換財物。
[En.] Trade, such as exchanging goods.
- Example: 商易 (commerce), 貿遷 (trade and transport), 財貿 (financial trade), 外貿 (foreign trade).
2. 冒失或輕率的表現。
[En.] Rash or careless appearance.
- Example: 貿然而來 (to come in a reckless manner).
Detailed meanings:
1. Trade
- 本义: 交換財物,交易
[En.] The original meaning: exchanging goods, trading.
- 引用:
1. 《說文》:貿,易財也 (in "Shuo Wen", it means trading wealth).
2. 《爾雅》:貿,市也 (in "Er Ya", refers to market exchange).
3. 《詩·衛風·氓》:氓之蚩蚩,抱布貿絲 (A poem indicating purchase).
4. 《晉書·苻堅載記》:工商貿販於道 (business activities on the road).
5. 柳宗元《永州八記》:願以潭上田貿財以緩禍 (wishing to exchange land for finances).
6. 明·劉基《賣柑者言》:予貿得其一 (I traded for one).
- 示例:
- 貿馬 (trade horses), 貿糴 (purchase grain), 貿載 (cargo transport), 貿售 (selling), 貿貨 (trading goods).
2. Change
- 引用:
1. 《呂氏春秋·上農》:男女貿功以長生 (men and women change roles for longevity).
2. 吳質《在元城與魏公子箋》:古今一揆,先後不貿 (historical continuity without change).
3. 《史通·因習》:事有貿遷,而言無變革 (events change, yet words do not).
- 示例:
- 貿名 (change of name), 貿換 (exchange), 貿位 (change position).
3. Buy
- 示例:
- 貿首 (bounty for a head; refers to deep-seated grudges).
形容詞 per the character's usage:
1. 雜亂
[En.] Mixed and disorderly.
- Example: 貿亂 (chaos), 貿貿 (in disarray).
2. 矇昧不明,輕率。
[En.] Rash, unclear.
- 引用:
1. 《禮記·檀弓下》:貿貿然來 (to come carelessly).
- 示例:
- 貿貿然 (reckless), 貿然 (careless appearance).
3. 通「侔」。相等。
[En.] Equal.
- 引用:
1. 《商君書·開塞》:二者名貿實易 (the two are named equally).
*Note: Contextual interpretation might vary as it can be both a verb and an adjective.