Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "貫", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "貫", and master the standard way of writing the character "貫".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 貫
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "貫" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
貫 guàn
1. 古代穿钱的绳索(把方孔钱穿在绳子上,每一千个为一贯) [En.] An ancient string for threading coins (1 "贯" = 1000 cash).
2. 穿,通,连 [En.] To thread, connect, link.
3. 同“惯”,习惯 [En.] Same as "惯", habit or custom.
4. 原籍,出生地 [En.] Native place or birthplace.
5. 姓 [En.] A surname.
6. 事情,事例 [En.] Thing; example.
7. 条理; 系统 [En.] System; order.
8. 罪恶 [En.] Crime.
9. 祖籍; 籍贯 [En.] Native place.
10. 序次; 按顺序排列 [En.] Order; arrange in order.
11. 通“丱”。儿童束发成两角的样子 [En.] Refers to children's hair styled in two angles.
12. 古国名 [En.] Name of an ancient state.
13. 姓 [En.] A surname; e.g., 贯高 from Han dynasty.
1. 用绳子穿连成串 [En.] To string together with a cord.
2. 穿过;贯通,精通 [En.] To pass through; to be proficient.
3. 累; 连续 [En.] To continue; to be consecutive.
4. 射中; 穿透 [En.] To hit; to penetrate.
5. 经历; 经过 [En.] To experience; to go through.
6. 侍奉,服事 [En.] To serve.
7. 灌注; 注入 [En.] To pour into; to inject.
8. 满 [En.] To fill; full.
9. 登记入籍 [En.] To register; record.
10. 学习; 复习 [En.] To study; to review.
11. 通“惯” [En.] Same as "惯".
12. 熟习; 熟练 [En.] To be skilled at; skilled.
13. 习惯 [En.] Custom.
14. 通“弯”。弯弓,张满弓 [En.] To draw a bow; to stretch a bow.