Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "慣", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "慣", and master the standard way of writing the character "慣".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 慣
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "慣" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. (adjective) Usual; habitual; something that has become a habit over a long time.
- Examples:
- 習慣 (be accustomed to)
- 慣常 (usual)
- 慣於 (be used to)
- 慣例 (usual practice)
- 慣匪 (habitual criminal)
- 慣犯 (habitual offender)
- 慣性 (habitual nature)
- 司空見慣 (a common sight)
2. (verb) To spoil; to indulge.
- Examples:
- 慣縱 (spoil)
- 寵慣 (indulge)
- 嬌慣 (pamper)
3. (verb) To penetrate; to pass through (same as 貫).
- Example:
- 慣串 (pass through)
- 《爾雅》: 慣,習也 (It means to be accustomed to something).
- 《左傳·襄公三十一年》: 譬如田獵,射御慣,則能獲禽 (Like hunting, if one is used to shooting, they can catch birds).
- 《宋書·宗愨傳》: 謂客曰:“宗軍人,慣啖粗食。” (He said to the guest: "Master Zong is used to eating coarse food").
- 《回憶我的母親》: 但是她倆勞動慣了,離開土地就不舒服,所以還是回了家 (But they were used to working, so they felt uncomfortable away from the land, thus they returned home).
Examples of usage:
- 慣熟 (skilled due to frequent practice)
- 慣歷 (frequently passing through)
- 慣經 (common experiences)
- 慣有 (commonly have)
- 別把孩子給慣壞了 (Don't spoil the child).
- 慣寵 (to indulge in love).
- 通;穿 (pass through, penetrate).
- Example: 如:慣串 (to pass through).