Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "莊", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "莊", and master the standard way of writing the character "莊".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 莊
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "莊" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. 村落,田舍: village, farmhouse.
2. 封建社會君主、貴族等所佔有的成片土地: land held by feudal lords and nobles in a feudal society.
3. 商店的一種名稱: a type of store.
4. 某些種類的賭博,局中人輪流為主: a type of gambling where players alternate as the host.
5. 四通八達的道路: thoroughfares connecting various regions.
6. 嚴肅,端重: solemn and serious.
7. 姓: a surname.
1. 村莊,也指建在山林田野間的住宅,別墅: hamlet; village; also refers to houses built in forests and fields, villas.
2. 六路通達的大路: a thoroughfare.
3. 又如康莊(康,五路通達的大路;莊:六路通達的大路。合稱通達的大路): for example, "Kangzhuang," referring to a broad road with multiple paths.
4. 莊園,皇室、官僚、地主等在鄉下佔據的大片土地及其建築物: a manor, large land holdings and buildings occupied by royalty, officials, and landlords in rural areas.
5. 規模較大的或做批發生意的商店: a place of business that is relatively large or engages in wholesale.
6. 莊口(專銷某地貨物的地方)的簡稱: abbreviated term for a business firm selling certain local goods.
7. 莊家: banker.
1. 件。後作“樁”: a measure for a piece, later written as "zhuang."
2. 古代雲南交易用貝單位: an ancient trade unit of shell in Yunnan.
通“妝”。打扮,修飾: to adorn or decorate; to apply makeup.