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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "苞", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "苞", and master the standard way of writing the character "苞".
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "苞" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
苞 [bāo]
1. 花托下面像叶的小片:花苞。苞片。含苞待放。
(1. A small piece resembling a leaf under the flower receptacle: flower bud. Bract. Holding a bud ready to bloom.)
2. 茂盛:竹苞松茂。
(2. Lush: bamboo grows profusely, pines flourish.)
基本义: 席草,可制席子和草鞋。
(Basic meaning: Rush grass, which can be made into mats and straw sandals.)
造字法: 形声。
(Construction method: Phono-semantic compound.)
(Extended meanings:)
1. 同本义 ([En.] bulrush)
(Same as the basic meaning.)
引: 《说文》:苞,苞草也,南阳以为粗履。
(Reference: "Shuo Wen": "Bāo is bulrush, used in Nanyang for coarse footwear.")
例: 浸彼包萧。
(Example: Soak the bulrushes.)
2. 苞片,花未开时包着花朵的变态叶 ([En.] bract)
引: 南朝 宋·谢灵运《酬从弟惠连》:山桃发红萼,野蕨渐紫苞。
(Reference: Song Dynasty's Xie Lingyun "Reply to Cousin Huilian": "Mountain peach bears red calyx, wild ferns gradually show purple bracts.")
例: 含苞未放。
(Example: Budding but not yet blooming.)
3. 草木的根或茎干 ([En.] root or stem)
引: 《诗·商颂·长发》:苞有三蘖。
(Reference: "Book of Songs": "Bāo has three shoots.")
例: 苞桑(原指根深柢固的桑树;比喻牢固的根基)。
(Example: Bāo mulberry (originally refers to a deep-rooted mulberry tree; metaphorically means a solid foundation).)
1. 草木茂盛,丛生 ([En.] growing in profusion)
引: 《尔雅·释诂》:苞,丰也。
(Reference: "Erya": "Bāo means abundance.")
例: 苞杞(丛生的枸杞)。
(Example: Bāo goji (growing in clumps).)
通“包”。包裹;怀抱 ([En.] wrap up; surround)
引: 《诗·大雅·常武》:如山之苞。
(Reference: "Book of Songs": "Like the embrace of a mountain.")
例: 厥苞橘柚锡贡。
(Example: His embrace, [gifts of] tangerines and pomelos.)