Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "欲", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "欲", and master the standard way of writing the character "欲".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 欲
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "欲" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. 想得到某种东西或想达到某种目的的要求。
1.1. A requirement to obtain something or to achieve a certain goal.
2. 想要,希望。
2.1. To want; to wish.
3. 需要。
3.1. To need.
4. 将要。
4.1. To be about to.
5. 婉顺的样子。
5.1. A gentle or docile appearance.
1. 想得到某种东西或想达到某种目的的要求:如欲念、欲望、欲火、食欲、情欲、禁欲、纵欲。
1.1. A requirement to obtain something or to achieve a certain goal: such as desire, aspirations, lust, appetite, love, restraint, indulgence.
2. 想要,希望:如欲盖弥彰、欲罢不能、欲速不达。
2.1. To want; to wish: such as clearer desire, unable to stop wanting, wanting something quickly but unable to reach it.
3. 需要:如胆欲大而心欲细。
3.1. To need: such as being bold in action but careful in mind.
4. 将要:如摇摇欲坠、山雨欲来风满楼。
4.1. To be about to: such as being on the verge of tumbling, the mountain rain is about to come with the wind filling the building.
5. 婉顺的样子。
5.1. A gentle or docile appearance.
1. 《说文》:欲,贪欲也。俗字亦作慾。
2. 《荀子·正名》:欲者,情之应也。
3. 《吕氏春秋·贵生》:六欲。注:“生死耳目口鼻也。”
4. 《论语》:以欲竭其精。注:“乐色曰欲。”
5. 苏洵《六国论》:然则诸侯之地有限,暴秦之欲无厌。
6. 三国魏·刘劭《人物志》:厉而不刚者,则欲夺之也。
1. 想要;希望 [want; wish]
1. 《论语·子路》:无欲速,无见小利。欲速,则不达。
2. 《论语·微子》:欲洁其身而乱大伦。
3. 《史记·魏公子列传》:晋鄙…曰:“…今单车来代之,何如哉?”欲无听。
4. 《资治通鉴·汉纪》:孤岂欲卿治经为博士耶!
5. 清·徐珂《清稗类钞·战事类》:故人远我,欲以火器困我也。
2. 爱好;喜爱 [like]
1. 《增韵》:欲,爱也。
2. 《论衡·案书》:人情欲厚恶薄。
3. 《庄子·则阳》:故卤莽其性者,欲恶之孽,为性萑苇蒹葭。
4. 《孟子》:天下之欲疾其君者,皆欲赴诉于王。