Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "愚", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "愚", and master the standard way of writing the character "愚".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 愚
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "愚" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
愚 [yú]
1. Foolish; Stupid.
1. 傻,笨:愚人 (fool). 愚笨 (foolish and clumsy). 愚蠢 (stupid). 愚鲁 (foolish and dull). 愚氓 (a foolish person). 愚昧 (lacking knowledge, culturally backward). 愚顽 (obstinate and foolish). 愚妄 (foolishly reckless). 愚不可及 (foolish and unreachable). 大智若愚 (a person with great wisdom does not show off their cleverness; on the surface, they appear very foolish, also written as “大智如愚”).
2. 欺骗,耍:愚弄人 (to make a fool of someone). 为人所愚 (to be deceived by others).
2. Humble term for self-reference.
3. 谦辞,用于自称:愚兄 (my humble brother). 愚见 (my humble opinion).
3. Honest and sincere.
1. 敦厚 (honest and sincere).
愚 [yú]
(verb) Deceive; Make a fool of.
1. 蒙蔽; 欺骗 (to deceive; to make a fool of).
引 (Examples):
1. 《说文》: 愚,戆也.
2. 《周礼·司刺》: 三赦,曰惷愚.
3. 《诗·大雅·抑》: 靡哲不愚.
4. 哲人之愚.
5. 《荀子·脩身》: 非是是非谓之愚.
6. 《贾子道术》: 深知祸福谓之知,反知为愚.
7. 明· 刘基《卖柑者言》: 以惑愚瞽.
8. 《乐府诗集·陌上桑》: 使君一何愚.
9. 唐· 韩愈《师说》: 愚人所为愚.
10. 清· 黄宗羲《原君》: 愚者亦明.
又如: 愚若胶柱 (to be as foolish as a glued pillar; meaning someone is rigid and unable to adapt); 愚戆 (foolish and straightforward); 愚騃 (foolish); 愚浊 (foolish; muddled).