Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "陋", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "陋", and master the standard way of writing the character "陋".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 陋
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "陋" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
【本义】: 狭窄,狭小
1. 丑的,粗劣,不文明的:丑陋。粗劣。陋俗。
Ugly, crude, uncivilized: ugly. Shoddy. Vulgar.
2. 狭小,简略:陋室。简陋。因陋就简。陋巷簟瓢(形容家境贫寒,生活清苦)。
Small, brief: simple room. Crude.
Simple out of necessity. Small alleys and poor living conditions (describing a poor and harsh life).
3. 见识小:浅陋。孤陋寡闻。
Limited knowledge: shallow. Ignorant.
4. 轻视:陋今而荣古。
To disdain: to despise the present while honoring the past.
1. 《说文》:陋,阨陕也。
"Shuowen" states: "陋" means narrow and obstructed.
2. 《管子·侈靡》:百盖无筑,千聚无社,谓之陋。
"Guanzi" states: "Without buildings, without communities, it is called '陋'."
3. 《淮南子·修务》:生于辟陋之国。
"Huainanzi" states: "Born in a desolate country."
4. 《楚辞·自悲》:淩恒山其若陋兮。
"Chuci" states: "The peak of Hengshan is as desolate."
5. 《左传》:莒恃其陋,而不修城郭。
"Zuo Zhuan" states: "Ju relied on its desolate position and did not repair its city walls."
6. 《论语》:在陋巷,人不堪其忧,回也不改其乐。
"Lunyu" states: "In the poor alleys, people cannot bear their worries, yet Hui does not change his joy."
如: 陋巷蓬门 (穷苦人的住处。狭巷草编门)
For example: "陋巷" and "thatched door" (a dwelling for the poor).
5. 偏僻;边远 ([En.] desolate)
1. 《淮南子·修务》:今使人生于辟陋之国。
"Huainanzi" states: "Now let people be born in desolate lands."
6. 粗劣 ([En.] shoddy; of poor quality)
1. 《宋书·孔觊传》:衣裘器服,皆择其陋者。
"Song History" states: "In terms of clothing and utensils, all are selected for their shoddy quality."
7. 粗俗,野鄙 ([En.] vulgar)
1. 徐光启《甘薯疏序》:固陋之心终不能移。
Xu Guangqi states: "A resolute vulgar heart cannot be changed."
8. 不好看,丑 ([En.] ugly)
1. 张昭远《旧唐书》:杞貌陋而色如蓝,人皆鬼视之。
Zhang Zhaoyuan states: "He had an ugly appearance, but his color was like blue, and people viewed him with fear."
例: 丑陋(相貌难看)
Example: "丑陋" (ugly appearance).