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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "除", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "除", and master the standard way of writing the character "除".
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "除" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
remove / do away with / wipe out / divide / except
除 [chú]
1. 去掉: eliminate; get rid of
例: 除害 (eliminate harm), 除名 (remove name), 除根 (destroy the root), 铲除 (eradicate), 废除 (abolish), 排除 (exclude), 除暴安良 (eliminate violence and maintain peace)
2. 改变,变换: change, transform
例: 岁除 (the last day of the lunar year), 除夕 (New Year's Eve)
3. 不计算在内: not included
例: 除非 (except for), 除外 (except)
4. 算术中用一个数去分另一个数,是“乘”的反运算: in arithmetic, to divide one number by another; the inverse operation of multiplication
例: 除法 (division)
5. 台阶: steps
例: 阶除 (steps of a palace), 庭除 (steps leading to a house)
6. 任命官职: confer an official position
例: 除拜 (to confer a post), 除授 (to appoint), 除书 (edict of appointment)
除 [chú]
本义: 宫殿的台阶
1. 同本义 (steps of palace)
引: 《说文》:除,殿阶也。
2. 一般建筑的台阶 (steps leading to a house)
引: 《汉书·李广苏建传》:扶辇下除,触柱折辕。
3. 泛指台阶 (step)
引: 《世说新语·政事》:听事前除,雨后犹湿。
除 [chú]
1. 拜受官位: confer an official position
引: 《汉书·景帝纪》:初除之官。
2. 清除,去掉: eliminate; get rid of
引: 《书·泰誓》:除恶务本。
3. 修治、修整: repair; mend
引: 张溥《五人墓碑记》
4. 打扫: sweep; clean
引: 《周礼·典祀》:由帅其属而修除。
5. 诛灭: exterminate
引: 《史记·秦始皇本纪》:诛乱除害。
6. 算法的一种: a method in mathematics (division)
除 [chú]
1. 不计算在内: besides; except; with the exception
引: 袁枚《祭妹文》
2. 常跟“还”、“又”、“也”等配搭,表示在此之外,还有别的: often used with "还," "又," "也," to indicate that in addition, there is something else
例: 一天到晚,他除了工作,就是学习。