Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "扣", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "扣", and master the standard way of writing the character "扣".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 扣
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "扣" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
扣 [kòu]
1. 用圈、环等东西套住或拢住;把门~上。
(To use a ring or loop to encircle or bind; to fasten the door.)
2. 衣纽。
(Clothing fastener.)
3. 绳结。
(Rope knot.)
4. 把器物口朝下放或覆盖东西。
(To place an object upside down or cover something.)
5. 相符,符合。
(To match or conform.)
6. 强留。
(To detain forcibly.)
7. 从中减除。
(To deduct from.)
8. 敲击。
(To knock.)
(Original meaning: To pull or to hold.)
(Character formation: Phonetic component, combining 'hand' and 'opening'.)
同本义 ([En.] rein)
(1. Same original meaning: rein.)
捆绑;拘押 ([En.] bind; arrest; take in)
(2. To bind; to detain.)
假借为“敂” (击)。敲击 ([En.] knock)
(3. Borrowed as "敂" (to strike). To knock.)
求教;探问 ([En.] ask for advice)
(4. To seek advice or inquiry.)
叩头,俯首向下之称 ([En.] kowtow)
(5. Calling for bowing head in respect.)
截留 ([En.] intercept)
(6. To intercept.)
扣除 ([En.] deduct)
(7. To deduct.)
用钮扣固定或合拢 ([En.] button up; buckle)
(8. To fasten or close with a button.)
釦 [kòu]
1. 结 ([En.] knot)
2. 带扣 ([En.] buckle)
3. 钮扣 ([En.] button)
4. 通“筘”。织机上的主要机件之一 ([En.] reed)
(Refers to “筘”, a main component of a loom.)
1. 用于捆扎成束的文件或帐折等物 ([En.] loop)
(Used for bundling documents or papers.)
2. 螺纹的一圈叫一扣。
(One turn of a thread is called a "扣".)
all threads neatly tied up / (lit.) in a loom, each cross thread must be woven into the warp to make a web / intricately woven together / (done) with meticulous care and flawless artistry / right on the best