滀 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 滀
Stroke Order Diagrams for 滀
Information of 滀
滀 [chù]
1. 水积聚 (of water) accumulate.
- 例: 滀水 (蓄积的水) - accumulated water.
2. 郁结;聚集而不发泄 pent up.
- 例: 滀漯 (聚集的样子) - a condition of accumulation.
1. 湍急 rapid.
- 引: 《后汉书·公孙瓒传》: 滀水高陵 - The rapid water of Chi.
2. 另见 xù (see xù).
1. 〔~仕〕越南地名 - A geographical name in Vietnam.
另见 chù (see chù).