Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "夕", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "夕", and master the standard way of writing the character "夕".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 夕
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "夕" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
夕 [xī]
1. Sunset; dusk: Refers to the time of sunset. Examples: 夕阳 (setting sun), 夕照 (evening light), 朝夕相处 (spend time together from morning till night).
2. Evening: A general term for the period of night. Examples: 前夕 (the night before), 除夕 (New Year's Eve), 一夕谈 (talking through the night).
Additional Meanings:
1. The last period of a year or the late part of a month: Refers to the last season of the year or the last ten days of a month.
2. Nighttide; evening tide: 通“汐”, referring to the tide of the evening.
Verb Usage:
1. To have an audience with an emperor in the evening: 傍晚朝见君主.
Historical Citations:
1. 《说文》: “夕,莫也”.
2. 《诗·王风·君子于役》: “日之夕矣”.
3. 《周礼·大司徒》: “日东则景夕多风”.
4. 《诗·唐风·绸缪》: “今夕何夕”.
5. 《左传·成公十二年》: “朝而不夕”.
1. 夕晖 (the afterglow of sunset), 朝发夕至 (set off in the morning and arrive by evening), 夕霭 (the clouds of twilight), 夕市 (evening market).
2. 终夕 (the entire night), 通夕 (through the night), 除夕 (the last night of the year), 前夕 (the night before).
Radical: It is one of the 214 radicals in Chinese.
double seven festival, evening of seventh of lunar seventh month / girls' festival / Chinese Valentine's day, when Cowherd and Weaving maid 牛郎織女|牛郎织女 are allowed their annual meeting