Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "熹", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "熹", and master the standard way of writing the character "熹".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 熹
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "熹" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. 光明 (Brightness) : ~微(日光微明)。星~。
Brightness: Light微 (sunlight is slight). Stars are bright.
2. 炙,炽热 (Roast; Heat) : “东暾淡未~,北吹寒更寂”。
Roasting; Red-hot: "Before the eastern dawn is dim, the north wind blows colder and lonelier."
3. 古人名用字 (Name used in ancient times)
A character used in names by ancient people.
(形声。从火,喜声。本义:烤炙) 同本义
(Phonetic-composed character. From fire, with the sound of joy. Original meaning: roast.) Same meaning.
引 (Quotation):
1. 《说文》: 熹,炙也。 字亦作熺。
"Shuowen": 熹 means roast. The character can also be written as 熺.
1. 炽热 (Red-hot) [En. red-hot]
引 (Quotation):
1. 《玉篇》: 熹,热也,炽也。
"Yupian": 熹 means hot; it also means burning.
2. 《广雅》: 熺,炽也。
"Guangya": 熺 means burning.
3. 木华《海赋》: 熺炭重燔。 注:“炭之有光者也。”
Mu Hua in "Hai Fu": "熺炭重燔." Note: "Coal that has light."
2. 亮;光明 (Bright) [En. bright]
引 (Quotation):
1. 《管子·侈靡》: 有时而星熺。
"Guanzi": Sometimes the stars are bright.
2. 《文选·赠五官中郎将诗》: 明镫熺炎光。
"Wenxuan": The bright lamp shines with vibrant light.
3. 东暾澹未熹,北吹寒更寂。——杨万里诗
"Before the eastern dawn is dim, the north wind blows colder and lonelier." — Poem by Yang Wanli.
例 (Example):
Such as: 熹微 (slight brightness); 熹烂 (brilliant radiance).