Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "谀", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "谀", and master the standard way of writing the character "谀".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 谀
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "谀" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
諛 yú
1. Flattery; sycophancy.
- 谄媚,奉承: ~言 (flattering words).
- 阿(ē)~奉承 (to excessively flatter).
- ~辞 (words of flattery).
- ~墓 (to flatter the deceased).
2. Flattering words (English: flattery).
3. To be kindly and genial (English: be kindly and genial).
- 如: 谀然 (a condition of being happy and agreeable).
4. As a verb:
- 本义: To flatter; to sycophant.
- 造字法: A phonetic compound. Composed of the character for "speech" and the sound "臾".
5. Noteworthy references:
- 《说文》: 谀,谄也 (flattery is all about sycophancy).
- 《庄子·渔夫》: 不择是非而言谓之谀 (to speak without discerning right from wrong is called flattery).
- 《荀子·脩身》: 以不善和人者谓之谀 (one who does not treat others well is called a flatterer).
- 《说苑·臣术》: 从命病君谓之谀 (obeying a sick king is called flattery).
- 唐· 韩愈: 官盛则近谀 (when officials are prominent, they are prone to sycophancy).
- 唐· 柳宗元: 诬谀之徒 (the people who spread slanderous flatteries).
- 明· 归有光: 谄谀之臣 (flattering ministers).
6. Examples:
- 谀墓之金 (compensation for writing epitaphs).
- 谀颂 (flattering praise).
- 谀悦 (sycophancy; flattery).
- 谀墓 (regarding flattering the dead in epitaphs).
- 谀佞 (one who is accustomed to flattering speech).
- 谀言 (words of flattery).
7. As a noun:
Flattering words (English: flattery).
- 引用: 《汉书·韦贤传》: 唯囿是恢,唯谀是信 (only flattery is trusted).
- Examples:
- 谀史 (historical records with excessive praises).
8. As an adjective:
To be kindly and genial (English: be kindly and genial).
- 如: 谀然 (a state of being happy and agreeable).