谅 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 谅
Stroke Order Diagrams for 谅
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 谅
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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "谅", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "谅", and master the standard way of writing the character "谅".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 谅
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "谅" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "谅" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 谅
1. 宽恕。
- 例: 谅解 (understand), 谅察 (forgive), 体谅 (empathize), 见谅 (please understand), 原谅 (forgive).
2. 信实。
- 例: 谅直 (honest and upright), 诚信正直 (honest and trustworthy).
3. 推想。
- 例: 谅必 (must presume), 谅已上车 (presume that already got on the vehicle).
4. 固执,坚持成见。
(Stubbornness; persistence in one’s views.)
形 (Adjective)
本义: 诚实; 信实
(Original meaning: Honesty; integrity.)
同本义 ([En.] honest)
- 引:
1. 《说文》: 谅,信也。
2. 《方言一》: 众信曰谅。
3. 《礼记·内则》: 请肆简谅。
4. 《论语》: 友直友谅。
5. 《礼记·祭义》: 易直子谅之心。
6. 《楚辞·九辩》: 私直怜兮何极,心怦怦兮谅直。
- 例:
Again: 谅直 (honest and upright), 谅士 (a man of integrity), 谅节 (noble character), 谅实 (sincerity).
固执,坚持己见 ([En.] stubborn)
- 引:
1. 《论语·卫灵公》: 君子贞而不谅。
动 (Verb)
谅解 ([En.] understand)
- 引:
1. 《诗·鄘风·柏舟》: 母也天只,不谅人只。
2. 欧阳修《与刁景纯学士书》: 未必谅某此心也。
- 例:
Again: 本着互谅互让的精神 (based on mutual understanding and concession), 谅情 (understand the actual situation).
宽恕或容忍 ([En.] forgive; excuse)
- 引:
1. 唐· 李朝威《柳毅传》: 谅其至冤。
- 例:
Again: 谅宥 (forgive), 尚希见谅 (hope for understanding).
料想,认为 ([En.] presume; expect)
- 引:
1. 《京本通俗小说·冯玉梅庆团圆》: 自谅前事年远,无人推剥。
- 例:
Again: 谅不见怪 (presume no offense), 谅必如此 (presume it must be this way), 谅来 (I think; presume), 谅他也不会这样做 (I presume he won't do that either).
to understand / to make allowances for / understanding
to empathize / to allow (for sth) / to show understanding / to appreciate