谐 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 谐
Stroke Order Diagrams for 谐
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 谐
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 谐
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "谐" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "谐" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 谐
1. 和,配合得当。
[En.] Harmonious.
2. 滑稽。
[En.] Humorous.
3. (事情)商量好,办妥。
[En.] Succeed; settle; come to an agreement.
【本义】: 和谐
【造字法】: 形声。从言,皆声。
1. 同本义(强调配合得匀称)
[En.] Harmonious.
- 引:
1. 《尔雅》:谐,和也。
2. 《书·尧典》:克谐以孝。
3. 《周礼·调人》:掌司万民之难而谐和之。
4. 《左传·襄公十一年》:如乐之和,无所不谐。
5. 《资治通鉴·赤壁之战》:如其克谐,天下可定也。
6. 《初刻拍案惊奇》:夫妻谐老。
- 例:
- 又如: 谐当 (妥当); 谐和 (各组成部分之间协调地相互联系在一起的); 谐调 (和谐); 谐奏 (和协地演奏); 谐律 (谐合于音律)
2. 言语或行为有趣而引人发笑
[En.] Humorous.
- 引:
1. 《汉书·东方朔传》:上以朔口谐辞给,好作问之。
2. 宋·王安石《和刘贡甫燕集之作》:心亲不复异新旧,使脱巾屦相谐嬉。
3. 明·高启《赠杨荥阳》:醉中共笑语,往往杂谐谚。
- 例:
- 又如: 谐易 (诙谐平易); 谐辞 (戏谑之辞); 谐谚 (诙谐谚语); 谐画 (富于谐趣的话)
1. 办妥,办成功
[En.] Succeed.
- 引:
1. 《三国演义》:恐事不谐,反遭其害。
2. 《宋史》:今事不谐,不过赤族,为社稷死,岂不快乎?
- 例:
- 又如: 谐当 (妥当)
2. 商定
[En.] Settle; come to an agreement; bargain.
- 引:
1. 《后汉书》:当之官者,皆先至西园谐价,然后得去。
- 例:
- 又如: 谐价 (议价成交)
harmonious / harmony / (euphemism) to censor
resonance / sympathetic vibration
humorous / jocular / zany
homonym / homophone / harmonic (component of sound)
harmonious / to adjust / to tune (e.g. wireless receiver) / to bring into harmony
harmonic (wave with frequency an integer multiple of the fundamental)
banter / humorous repartee
harmonic oscillator (physics)
simple harmonic motion (in mechanics) / motion of a simple pendulum