讪 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 讪
Stroke Order Diagrams for 讪
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 讪
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 讪
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "讪" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "讪" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 讪
abuse / slander
讪 (shàn)
1. 讥笑: Mock; deride; ridicule.
- 例: 讪笑 (to mock), 讪骂 (to scorn).
2. 不好意思,难为情的样子: Embarrassed; awkward.
- 例: 发讪 (to feel embarrassed); 搭讪 (to make small talk to alleviate awkwardness).
基本意義: 毁谤 (slander).
造字法: 形声。从言,山声 (Phonetic-meaning structure: from "speech" and "mountain sound").
1. 毁谤 (slander).
- 引: 《说文》:讪,谤也。与姗略同 (Slander means defamation, similar to "shān").
- 引: 《苍颉篇》:讪,诽毁也 (Slander means to damage reputation).
例: 讪上 (slander against those in power), 讪议 (slanderous discussion), 讪刺 (mocking criticism).
2. Mock; deride; ridicule.
- 引: 王安石《上仁宗皇帝言事书》 (Wang Anshi’s letter: to deride if officials are unqualified).
- 引: 清· 孔尚任《桃花扇》 (Qing Dynasty: using malicious satire).
例: 讪人 (to embarrass someone), 讪语 (sarcastic remarks), 讪嘴 (to bicker), 讪侮 (to mock and insult), 讪诮 (to ridicule with sarcasm), 讪驳 (to ridicule in a rebuttal).
形: 羞惭,难为情 (Embarrassed; awkward).
- 例: 听到别人的批评,他脸上有些发讪 (Upon hearing criticism, he looked somewhat embarrassed); 讪筋 (to get angry out of embarrassment); 讪不搭的 (to describe someone as awkward); 讪脸 (having thick skin).
to hit on someone / to strike up a conversation / to start talking to end an awkward silence or embarrassing situation