Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "圉", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "圉", and master the standard way of writing the character "圉".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 圉
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "圉" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
圉 [yǔ]
1. 养马的地方:horse stable.
Example: 圉人: groom.
2. 边陲:border.
Example: 亦聊以固吾~也: "It is also somewhat for the defense of my border."
3. 防御:defense.
Example: 其来不可~: "It cannot be resisted."
4. 同“圄”:same as "囚" (jail).
5. 古代乐器名:name of an ancient musical instrument.
1. 同本义 ([En.] arrest; stop).
1. 《说文》: 圉,囹圉,所以拘罪人也: "Yǔ, in the context of 'jail', is for detaining criminals."
2. 《尔雅》: 圉,禁也: "Yǔ means to restrict."
3. 《周书·宝典》: 不圉我哉!: "Do not detain me!" Note: "圉 means to restrict."
4. 《太玄·卷三疆》: 终莫之圉: "In the end, no one can restrain it." Note: "圉 means to stop."
5. 《管子·轻重甲》: 守圉之国,用盐独甚: "In a country that guards, the use of salt is particularly important."
6. 《庄子》: 其来不可圉: "It cannot be resisted when it arrives."
2. 养马 ([En.] keep horses).
1. 《左传》: 不有行者,谁扞牧圉?: "If there are no travelers, who will tend the horses?"
3. 通“御”(yù):抵挡,防御 ([En.] defense).
1. 《墨子·明鬼下》: 然不能以此圉鬼神之诛: "Yet it cannot defend against the punishment of ghosts and deities."
2. 《庄子·缮性》: 其来不可圉: "It cannot be resisted when it arrives."
3. 《淮南子·主术》: 瘖者可使守圉: "A mute can guard the border."
1. 监狱 ([En.] jail).