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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "懸", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "懸", and master the standard way of writing the character "懸".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 懸
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "懸" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
懸 (xuán)
1. 掛、繫。
- To hang, to tie.
2. 牽掛﹑掛念。
- To be concerned about, to miss.
3. 公示﹑公布。
- To publicize, to announce.
4. 高掛的。
- High-hanging.
5. 差別大、距離遠。
- To have a large difference, to be far apart.
6. 久延不決的。
- To be postponed or unresolved for a long time.
7. 憑空﹑無依據。
- Groundless, unfounded.
Example Sentences:
1. 如:“懸壺濟世”。《後漢書•卷八十二•方術傳下•費長房傳》:“又臥於空室,以朽索懸萬斤石於心上。”
- For example: "hanging a pot to relieve the world." (From the Book of the Later Han)
2. 如:“懸念”、“懸思”。唐•李白《聞丹丘子於城北營石門幽居詩》:“心懸萬里外,影滯兩鄉隔。”
- For example: "concern" and "thought." (Li Bai)
3. 如:“懸賞”。《孫子•九地》:“施無法之賞,懸無政之令。”
- For example: "to announce a reward." (From Sunzi's Art of War)
4. 如:“懸泉”、“懸瀑”。
- For example: "hanging spring," "hanging waterfall."
5. 如:“懸殊”。
- For example: "to be highly disparate."
6. 如:“懸案”。《韓非子•亡徵》:“藏怒而弗發,懸罪而弗誅,使臣陰憎而愈憂懼。”
- For example: "a pending case." (Han Feizi)
7. 如:“懸想”。唐•柳宗元《復杜溫夫書》:“吾性騃滯,多所未甚諭,安敢懸斷是且非耶?”
- For example: "groundless speculation." (Liu Zongyuan)
Additional Notes:
- 动词:挂、系。
- Verb: To hang, to tie.
- 动词:牵挂、挂念。
- Verb: To miss, to be concerned about.