Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "烜", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "烜", and master the standard way of writing the character "烜".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 烜
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "烜" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
烜 [xuǎn]
1. 盛大,显著。 ([En.] grand, notable)
- 例: 烜赫 (grandly prominent)
2. 晒干。 ([En.] to dry in the sun)
- 例: “风以散之,雨以润之,日以烜之”。 (The wind scatters it, the rain moistens it, the sun dries it.)
1. 通“晅”。曝晒;晒干。 ([En.] to solarize)
- 例: 《易·说卦》: 雨以润之,日以烜之。 (The rain moistens it, the sun dries it.)
2. 照亮。 ([En.] to illuminate)
- 例: 《刘知远诸宫调》: 他又不通过名目,把小李村围住,烜天地烧着草垛。 (He also surrounded Xiaoli Village without a name, illuminating the world as he burned the haystack.)
本义: 火旺 ([En.] vigorous flame)
造字法: 形声。从火,亘( yuán)声。 ([En.] Phonetic compound: composed of the element for fire and the phonetic element)
- 烜烈 ([En.] vigorous flame)
- 烜卓 ([En.] remarkably outstanding)
- 烜奕 ([En.] illustrious)
- 烜然 ([En.] in a prominent manner)
“烜” xuǎn 的又音。 ([En.] also pronounced as xuǎn.)