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摇 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 摇

摇 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 摇

摇 Stroke Order Diagrams

Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 摇

Standard stroke order for the Chinese character 摇

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 摇

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "摇" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 摇 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "摇" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 摇 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Information of 摇

Pinyin yáo
13 strokes
shake / to rock
摇 [yáo] 1. 摆动 (swing) - 摆动:~曳。~晃。~荡。~篮。动~。~摆。~头摆尾。~~欲坠。扶~直上。 - Swinging examples: swaying down, shaking, rocking, swinging a basket, shaking continuously, shaking the head and tail, swaying dangerously, lifting up steadily. 2. 往上升 (rise) - 风举云~。 - The wind lifts the clouds. 〈动〉 (verb) - 本义: 摇动;摆动 (original meaning: to shake; to sway) - 造字法: 形声。从手 (character formation: a phonetic and semantic combination, associated with "hand") 1. 同本义 (the same as the original meaning) ([En.] swing) - 引: 1. 《说文》: 摇,动也 (Shuowen: "Yao," to move). 2. 《尔雅》: 摇,作也 (Erya: "Yao," to perform). 3. 《管子·心术》: 摇者不定 (Guanzi: "The shaky is unstable"). 4. 《庄子·则阳》: 复命摇作 (Zhuangzi: "Returning to life is a shaking motion"). 5. 《考工记·矢人》: 夹而摇之 (Kao Gong Ji: "Clamp and shake it"). 6. 《古诗十九首》: 四顾何茫茫,东风摇百草 (From ancient poetry: "How expansive it is, the east wind shakes a hundred grasses"). 7. 唐· 柳宗元《至小丘西小石潭记》: 蒙络摇缀 (Tang: Liu Zongyuan, describing the scenery). 8. 柳宗元《断刑论》: 痒不得搔,痹不得摇 (Liu Zongyuan: referring to discomfort). 9. 清· 黄宗羲《柳敬亭传》: 摇头而歌 (Qing: "Shake head and sing"). 10. 清· 姚鼐《登泰山记》: 动摇承之 (Qing: "Shaking under support"). - 例: - 又如: 摇旗打鼓 (shaking flags and beating drums, making a commotion); 摇铃打鼓 (shaking bells and beating drums); 摇颭 (swaying, describing a woman's graceful walk); 摇风 (the wind shakes); 摇摆气势 (swaying posturing); 摇席破座 (excitedly fidgeting); 摇唇鼓舌 (persuasively soliciting). 2. 动摇 (shake) ([En.] shake) - 引: 1. 《新唐书·狄仁杰传》: 本根一摇,忧患非浅 (In "New Book of Tang": "When the foundation shakes, worry is not shallow"). - 例: - 又如: 摇心 (the heart is shaken); 摇易 (shaking is easier); 摇悦 (a conflicting emotional state of being happy at one moment and shaken at another). 3. 骚扰 (harass) ([En.] harass) - 例: - 如: 摇毒 (harassment or harm); 摇乱 (disturb or create chaos). 〈形〉 (adjective) 1. 疾 (fast, swift) ([En.] fast, swift) - 引: 1. 《广雅》: 摇,疾也 (Guangya: "Yao," fast). 2. 《汉书·礼乐志》: 将摇举,谁与期 (Book of Han: "When lifting up, who will compete?"). 3. 汉· 班固《西都赋》: 遂乃风举云摇,浮游溥览 (Han: Ban Gu, describing the ascent). - 例: - 又如: 摇举 (to rise high).
yáo qí nà hǎn
to wave flags and shout battle cries (idiom); to egg sb on / to give support to
yáo tóu tàn xī
shake one's head and sigh / shaking the head and uttering a sigh
yáo yáo yù zhuì
tottering / on the verge of collapse
yáo tóu
to shake one's head
fú yáo zhí shàng
to skyrocket / to get quick promotion in one's career
yáo bǎi
to sway / to wobble / to waver
yáo yáo bǎi bǎi
swaggering / staggering / waddling
dà yáo dà bǎi
to strut / swaggering
dòng yáo
to sway / to waver / to rock / to rattle / to destabilize / to pose a challenge to
yáo yáo tóu
shake the head
yáo shǒu
to wave the hand (to say goodbye, or in a negative gesture) / crank handle
yáo huàng
to rock / to shake / to sway
yáo yáo huàng huǎng
lopping / vacillating and staggering
yáo yè
to sway gently (as in the wind) / (of a flame) to flicker
yáo dòng
to shake / to sway
yáo lán
yáo yáo
yáo tóu huàng nǎo
wag one's head / look pleased with oneself
yáo gǔn
rock 'n' roll (music) / to rock / to fall off
yáo shēn yī biàn
to change shape in a single shake / fig. to take on a new lease of life
shǒu yáo
zhāo yáo
to act ostentatiously / to brag / to show off
yáo gǔn yuè
rock music / rock 'n roll
zhāo yáo zhuàng piàn
(idiom) to dupe people by passing oneself off as a well-connected individual or a figure of authority
yáo hàn
to shake / to rock
xīn jīng yáo dàng
Heart sway
姿 yáo yè duō zī
swaying gently / moving elegantly
yáo wěi qǐ lián
yáo wén
non-biting midge / chironomidae
fēng yǔ piāo yáo
tossed about by the wind and rain (idiom) / (of a situation) unstable