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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "穷", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "穷", and master the standard way of writing the character "穷".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 穷
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "穷" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. 缺乏财物:贫穷,穷苦,贫穷则思变。
Poor; poverty-stricken: poverty, suffering; poverty drives one to change.
2. 处境恶劣:穷困,穷蹙,穷窘,穷当益坚(处境越穷困,意志应当越坚定),穷而后工(旧时指文人处境穷困,诗作就写得好)。
Adverse situation: destitute, cramped, difficult; when in dire straits, the will should become more resolute; when poor, one’s work improves (meaning that in times of hardship, writers often produce better poetry).
3. 达到极点:穷目,穷形尽相,穷兵黩武。
Reaching the limit: the limits of sight, the limits of expression, exhausting military force.
4. 完了:穷尽,山穷水尽,日暮途穷。
Completed: come to an end; the mountains and rivers end; as the sun sets, the journey ends.
5. 推究到极点:穷物之理,穷追(极力追寻;尽力紧追),穷究。
Investigate to the limits: get to the bottom of things; pursue relentlessly; keep investigating.
【本义】: 穷尽,完结
【造字法】: 形声。从穴,躬声。躬,身体,身在穴下,很窘困。简化字为会意,力在穴下,有劲使不出。
Original meaning: To exhaust; to conclude.
Character formation: phonetic compound, combining "穴" (hole) and "躬" (to bend, to bow). "躬" refers to the body, in a predicament of being trapped. The simplified character represents an association of force being exerted but unable to be utilized.
1. 《说文》:穷,极也。
From "Shuo Wen": "Qiong means limit."
2. 《小尔雅·广诂》:穷,竟也。
From "Xiao Er Ya": "Qiong means complete."
3. 《楚辞·九歌·云中君》:横四海兮焉穷?
From "Chuci": "Where does it end across the seas?"
4. 《山海经·大荒南经》:赤水穷焉。 注:“流极于此山也。”
From "Shan Hai Jing": "Where the red water flows." Note: "Flow ends at this mountain."
5. 《吕氏春秋·下贤》:与物变化而无所终穷。
From "Lüshi Chunqiu": "Change with things without an end."
6. 《礼记·乐记》:穷高极远,而测深厚。
From "Li Ji": "Reach high and distant, while measuring deep and profound."
7. 《礼记·儒行》:儒有博学而不穷。
From "Li Ji": "A scholar is erudite but not impoverished."
8. 《战国策·燕策》:图穷而匕首见。
From "Zhanguo Ce": "When the plan is exhausted, the dagger shows."
9. 晋· 陶渊明《桃花源记》:欲穷其林。
From "Peach Blossom Spring": "To explore its forest."
10. 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。——唐· 王之涣《登鹳雀楼》诗
"To gaze farther, one must climb higher." —Wang Zhihuan
11. 接天莲叶无穷碧。——宋· 杨万里《晓出净慈寺送林子方》诗
"The lotus leaves touch the sky, endless blue." —Yang Wanli
12. 宋· 欧阳修《醉翁亭记》:乐亦无穷。
"Ouyang Xiu: Joy is also limitless."
13. 清· 纪昀《阅微草堂笔记》:理屈词穷。
"Ji Yun: Argument weak and words exhausted."
For example: to express thoroughly; to exhaust troops for a distant expedition; to guard the border with all forces; endless; to conclude; to live a full life.
1. 寻根究源:穷理尽性,以至于命。
Get to the bottom of things: investigate principles to the essence, reaching to fate.
2. 揭穿:恐事穷且得罪,乃再诣相府。
Expose: fearing to get into trouble, I went to the government again.
1. 终端;终极:纵欲而不穷,则民心奋而不可说也。
End; limit: indulging without restraint leads to unrest.
2. 缺陷。
3. 恶人:上贤而不穷。
Villain: when aiming for virtue, one detaches from the vile.
4. 通“躬(gōng)”:身体。
Referring to “躬 (gōng)”: body.
down and out / fall on evil days / on the beach / in a state of utter poverty / live a life of poverty / in the grip of poverty / crack up under the strain of poverty / be penniless and frustrated