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蒸 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 蒸

蒸 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 蒸

蒸 Stroke Order Diagrams

Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 蒸

Standard stroke order for the Chinese character 蒸

Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 蒸

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "蒸" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 蒸 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Download Free Worksheet (PDF)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "蒸" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 蒸 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Download Free Worksheet (PDF)

Information of 蒸

Pinyin zhēng
13 strokes
to steam
zhēng qì
zhēng qì jī
steam engine
zhēng qì lún jī
steam turbine
zhēng zhǔ
stewing / cook / digest / boil down
xūn zhēng
to fumigate
zhēng fā mǐn
evaporating dish / evaporation pan
zhēng lóng
steamer basket (e.g. for dimsum)
zhēng téng
(of a vapor etc) to rise / to hang in the air
qīng zhēng
steamed in broth
zhēng fā
to evaporate / evaporation
zhēng qì
vapor / steam
shuǐ zhēng qì
zhēng liú
to distill / distillation
zhēng liú shuǐ
distilled water
zhēng fā liàng
evaporation capacity
zhēng mó
steamed bun
zhēng zhēng rì shàng
becoming more prosperous with each passing day
shuǐ zhēng qì
reek / water vapor / water vapour
zhēng fā qì
zhēng bǐng
steamed cake
zhēng qì chuí
Steam hammer
zhēng liú qì
still (i.e. distilling apparatus)