Definitions of 「諍」:
1. See "诤" (zhèng - to dispute or argue).
2. (Verb)
1. To correct or advise with frank words. For example: "谏诤" (jìan zhèng - to offer frank advice), "力诤" (lì zhèng - to strive to advise). In "新唐书·卷一六四·崔玄亮传" (New Book of Tang, Vol. 164, Biography of Cui Xuanliang): "Xuanliang led the advising officials to earnestly and repeatedly argue with Yingku, stating several hundred words."
2. To compete or dispute. In "战国策·秦策二" (Stratagems of the Warring States, Qin Stratagem 2): "There are two tigers contending and fighting, Guan Zhuangzi is ready to stab them."