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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "蘭", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "蘭", and master the standard way of writing the character "蘭".
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "蘭" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
蘭 (lán)
1. **兰草**: A type of plant in the composite family (Asteraceae), it is a perennial herb with ovate leaves that have serrated edges. It is fragrant, blooms in late autumn, and is ornamental. In ancient times, "蘭" often referred to this plant.
English: **Lanzhou Herb**: A type of herbaceous plant belonging to the composite family, characterized by ovate leaves with serrated edges, emitting a fragrance, and blooming in late autumn. Often referred to in ancient times as "蘭".
2. **兰花**: Orchid, belonging to the orchid family (Orchidaceae). It is a perennial evergreen herb with a long history of cultivation in China as an ornamental plant.
English: **Orchid**: A perennial evergreen herb of the orchid family, with a long history of cultivation in China as an ornamental plant.
3. **木兰**: Refers to the fragrant wood known as magnolia.
English: **Magnolia**: A type of fragrant wood.
4. **通“闌”**: A character variant used for "闌". Refers to a barrier or fence.
English: **Variant for "闌"**: Used as a character variant meaning barrier or fence.
5. **姓**: A surname.
English: **Surname**: A family name.
名词植物名: 一种叶细长而尖,花有清香味的多年生草本植物。参见「兰花」条。 兰草、泽兰。菊科兰泽属,多年生草本。叶卵形,对生,边缘有锯齿。秋末开花,全株有香味,可供观赏。古人所谓兰多指此草。《汉书.卷五七.司马相如传上》:「其东则有蕙圃,衡兰芷若。」唐.颜师古.注:「兰,即今所泽兰也。」
English: Noun, plant name: A perennial herb with long, pointed leaves and fragrant flowers. See also "Orchid." It belongs to the composite family, with ovate leaves that are opposite and serrated. Blooms in late autumn and is fragrant throughout. Frequently referred to as "蘭" in ancient texts.
名词姓: 如汉代有兰广。
English: Noun, surname: An example is the historical figure 兰广 from the Han dynasty.