1. 蝴蝶、蛾等昆虫的幼虫。
(Caterpillar; larva of a butterfly or moth)
1. 即毛虫。蝴蝶或蛾子的伸长状幼虫。色青,形似蚕,大如手指。
(Caterpillar; larva of a butterfly or moth, elongated, green in color, resembling a silkworm, and as large as a finger.)
1. 《庄子》提到:“奔蜂不能化藿蠋,越鸡不能伏鹄卵。” 成玄英疏:“蠋者,豆中大青虫。”
(From "Zhuangzi": "The racing bee cannot turn into a caterpillar of the cocklebur, and the mountain chicken cannot sit on the wild goose's egg." Cheng Xuanying's commentary: "Caterpillar refers to the large green worm in beans.")
又如: 蠋绣(蠋虫蚀木而成的错杂纹理,谓其有如刺绣,故称)
(For example: 蠋绣 refers to the complicated patterns formed by the degradation of wood by caterpillars, likened to embroidery, hence the name.)