觔 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 觔
Stroke Order Diagrams for 觔
Information of 觔
觔 [jīn]
1. 同“筋”。
(Same as "筋", [En.] tendon.)
2. 同“斤”。
(Same as "斤", [En.] catty.)
1. 筋络。同“筋”。
([En.] tendon.)
(Example: 如: 觔骨 ("筋骨" meaning bones and tendons); 觔力 (the strength of bones and tendons); 觔脉 (the network of bones and tendons); 觔节 (the joint of tendons and bones. A metaphor for the focal point or key aspect of a matter).)
2. 重量单位,“斤”的异体。
([En.] catty.)
例:如:觔斗(唐代散乐的一种。翻跟斗;亦指跟头); 觔斗云(“西游记”中孙悟空翻跟斗时驾的云); 觔兜(觔斗)
(Example: 如: 觔斗 (a type of music from the Tang dynasty. To flip over; also refers to a somersault); 觔斗云 (the cloud that Sun Wukong rides while performing a somersault in "Journey to the West"); 觔兜 (a somersault).)