1. 超越。
- To surpass.
2. 超越:“~峦阬,超唐陂。”
- Surpassing: "Surpassing the mountains and stepping over the Tang embankment."
3. 引自繁体辞典解释
- (Quoted from Traditional Dictionary Explanation)
4. (动)
- (Verb)
5. 渡过、超越。《玉篇·足部》:「跇,超逾也。」《史记·卷二四·乐书》:「聘容与兮跇万里,今安匹兮龙为友。」
- To pass over, to exceed. "Yupian, Foot Section": "跇 means to surpass." "Records of the Grand Historian, Volume 24, Book of Music": "Beautifully expressive, surpassing thousands of miles, now finding companionship, like a dragon as a friend."