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跕 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 跕

跕 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 跕

跕 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 跕

Pinyin diǎn、 tiē、 dié
12 strokes
跕 [dié] 1. Same as "踮". 动词: 2. To fall; to drop. (English: fall) Example: 跕跕 (the appearance of falling); 跕坠 (to drop). 动词: 3. To drag one's shoes while walking. Reference: "跕, 行曳履." (in "集韵.入声.帖韵") Example: "女子则鼓鸣瑟,跕屣,游媚贵富,入后宫,遍诸侯。" (in "史记.卷一二九.货殖传") Note: "瓒曰:『蹑跟为跕也。』" (in "南朝宋.裴駰.集解") Translation: "女子弹弦跕躧。" (in "汉书.卷二八.地理志下") Explanation: "躧字与屣同。屣谓小履之无跟者也。跕谓轻蹑之也。" (comment by 唐.颜师古) 动词: 4. To fly close to or just above the water surface. Reference: "鸢忌南而跕水,鴈爱北而随车。" (in "唐.宋之问〈为韦特进已下祭汝南王文〉") 5. To drop. 下坠的样子. (the appearance of dropping)
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