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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "軋", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "軋", and master the standard way of writing the character "軋".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 軋
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "軋" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Definition of 「軋」:
1. 圓軸或輪子等壓在物體上轉。
Rolling of round shafts or wheels pressing on an object.
2. 排擠。
To oust; to push out.
3. 象聲詞,形容機器開動時發出的聲響。
An onomatopoeia describing the sound made by machinery in operation.
4. 姓。
A surname.
Additional meanings:
1. 圓軸或輪子等壓在物體上轉:~場(cháng )。~轢(➊碾,滾壓:➋排擠傾軋)。
Rolling of round shafts or wheels pressing on an object: e.g., rolling ground, rolling pressure.
2. 排擠:傾~(在一個組織中排擠不同派系的人)。
To oust: e.g., ousting different factions within an organization.
3. 象聲詞,形容機器開動時發出的聲響:機聲~~。
An onomatopoeia describing the sound made by machinery: the rumbling sound.
4. 姓。
A surname.
Types of meanings:
1. 同本義 ([En.] roll): To roll or press down.
2. 排擠,傾軋 ([En.] oust; push out): Ousting or pushing out others.
3. 壓倒,勝過 ([En.] overwhelm; prevail over): To overwhelm or outclass.
4. 委曲 ([En.] indirect): Indirect or convoluted.
Onomatopoeic meanings:
1. 一種嘈雜聲 ([En.] ya): A type of noisy sound.
2. 另見 gá(方言); zhá(軋鋼;軋輥): See also local dialects (gá); rolling steel (zhá).
Technical meaning:
1. 用機器把鋼坯壓成一定形狀的鋼材:~鋼。
To use machinery to press steel billets into specific shapes: e.g., rolling steel.
Synonymous meanings:
1. 擠;擁擠。
To squeeze; to crowd.
2. 結交。
To make friends.
3. 結算;覈對。
To settle accounts; to check against.
4. 觀察;揣測。
To observe; to speculate.
Colloquial usage:
1. 擠入;擁擠 ([En.] press hard against each other; break into): To press in hard; to crowd in.
2. 結交 ([En.] take up with): To make acquaintances.
3. 覈查 ([En.] check): To check.
4. 象聲詞。
Onomatopoeic word.
5. 另見 yà; zhá(軋鋼;軋輥): See also yà; zhá (rolling steel; rolling roller).