Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "載", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "載", and master the standard way of writing the character "載".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 載
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "載" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
year, to carry / to convey / to load / to hold / and / also / as well as / simultaneously
載 (zài)
1. Year; age.
Example: 千載難逢 (A rare opportunity, literally "once in a thousand years"). 三年兩載 (Three years and two seasons).
2. To record; to publish; to depict.
Example: 記載 (to record). 連載 (to serialize). 轉載 (to reprint).
Noun, measure word. A unit for measuring time, equivalent to "year."
Words: 一年半載 (one and a half years), 三年五載 (three years and five years), 千載難逢 (a once-in-a-thousand-years opportunity).
3. To load; to carry with a vehicle.
Example: 載客 (to carry passengers). 載貨 (to carry goods). 載重 (to bear weight). 載體 (to load).
4. To be filled.
Example: 怨聲載道 (complaints are everywhere).
5. To indicate simultaneous actions (often used in classical texts).
Example: 載歌載舞 (to sing and dance simultaneously).
6. Surname.
Verb: To ride or to take a vehicle.
Reference: 《说文解字.车部》: "載, to ride."
Example: 陆行載車 (land travel on vehicles), 水行載舟 (water travel on boats).
Example from poetry: 吾欲載車馬, 太行路峥嵘 (I wish to take a carriage and horses, the Taihang road is rugged).
Verb: To load and transport.
Example: 載人 (to carry people), 載貨 (to load goods).
Example from poetry: 巨鳌莫載三山去, 我欲蓬莱頂上行 (The giant tortoise cannot carry the Three Mountains away; I wish to travel to the top of Penglai).