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阤 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 阤

阤 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 阤

阤 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 阤

Pinyin tuó
5 strokes
阤 1. Anciently the same as "陀", meaning a hillside. - "故登~者,倍任者也,犹能以登。" (Therefore, those who climb the slope are the ones who can bear the weight, still capable of ascending.) 2. Obstacles or perilous places. 形容词 - 陂阤: steep and uneven. - 《史记.卷一一七.司马相如传》: "登陂阤之长阪兮,坌入曾宫之嵯峨。" (Climbing the long slope of steep hills, one tumbles into the steepness of the palace.) 参见 - See the entry for "阤靡". 动词 - To collapse or be destroyed. - 《汉书.卷六五.东方朔传》: "宗庙崩阤,国家为虚。" (When the ancestral temple collapses, the state becomes void.) - 唐.颜师古.注: "阤,穨也。" (阤 means to crumble.) - 《文选.张衡.西京赋》: "既定且宁,焉知倾阤。" (Having settled peacefully, who knows of the eventual collapse?)
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