饁 yè
1. To deliver food to people working in the fields.
2. In ancient times, it referred to offering animals as sacrifices while hunting.
【本义】: 给在田耕作的人送饭
【造字法】: 形声。从食,盍声。
1. 《说文》:馌,饷田也。
"Shuowen Jiezi": 知识能帮助人理解馌,意为"给予田里人食物"。
2. 《左传·僖公三十三年》:其妻馌之,敬,相待如宾。
From "Zuo Zhuan": "His wife delivered food to him, treating him with respect, as one would with guests."
3. 《诗·豳风·七月》:同我妇子,馌彼南亩。
From "Shijing": "Together with my wife and children, we deliver food to the southern fields."
- 馌具 (The utensils used to deliver meals to the fields)
- 馌田 (Also called 馌亩 or 馌馌, refers to sending meals to the fields)
- 馌妇 (Women who deliver meals to the fields)
- 馌饷 (To deliver meals to the fields)