騰 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 騰
Stroke Order Diagrams for 騰
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 騰
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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "騰", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "騰", and master the standard way of writing the character "騰".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 騰
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "騰" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "騰" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 騰
to soar / to gallop / to rise / to prance / to hover / to move out
Definition of 「騰」:
騰 téng
1. 奔跑,跳躍。
(Running, jumping.)
2. 上升。
3. 空出來,挪移。
(Vacating, moving aside.)
4. 詞尾,用在動詞後面表示動作的反覆連續(讀輕聲)。
(A suffix used after verbs to indicate the repeated continuity of an action (pronounced lightly).)
- 奔跑,跳躍:~驤。奔~。歡~。~躍。~越。
(Running, jumping: gallop, rush, rejoice, leap, surpass.)
- 上升:~空。~雲駕霧。升~。飛~。飛黃~達。
(Rising: rise into the sky, ride the clouds and mist, ascend, soar, flying upwards.)
- 空出來,挪移:~退。~個地方。
(Vacating, moving aside: retreat, free up a space.)
- 詞尾,用在動詞後面表示動作的反覆連續(讀輕聲):翻~。折~。
(A suffix used after verbs to indicate the repeated continuity of an action (pronounced lightly): turn, fold.)
騰 téng
(Original Meaning: Horse galloping)
【造字法】:形聲。从馬,朕( zhèn)聲。
(Character Formation: Pictophonetic; combines "horse" and the sound component "zhèn".)
1. 同本義 ([En.] gallop)
2. 奔馳 ([En.] run quickly; speed)
3. 跳躍 ([En.] jump)
4. 使房屋空出 ([En.] vacate)
5. 升入空中;上升 ([En.] rise)
6. 傳遞 ([En.] transfer)
7. 翻騰 ([En.] seethe)
8. 駕;乘 ([En.] ride)
9. 凌駕 ([En.] override)
騰 téng
突,忽——表示動作狀態 (【英】:suddenly)。
(Suddenly — indicates the state of an action.)
Example: 騰地 (suddenly; all at once)