騷 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 騷
Stroke Order Diagrams for 騷
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 騷
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 騷
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "騷" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "騷" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 騷
have sex appeal
騷 sāo
1. 動亂,擾亂,不安定。 [English: Tumult; disturb; upset.]
2. 憂愁。 [English: Worry.]
3. 指中國屈原的《離騷》。 [English: Refers to Qu Yuan's "Li Sao."]
4. 舉止輕佻,作風下流。 [English: Coquettish behavior; vulgar style.]
5. 同“ 臊 ”(sāo ㄙㄠ)。 [English: Same as "臊" (sāo).]
1. 動亂,擾亂,不安定:~亂。~擾。~動。 [English: Tumult; disturbance; unrest: ~ riot. ~ disturb. ~ movement.]
2. 憂愁:“離~者,猶離憂也。” [English: Worry: "Those who are away from ~ are also away from worry."]
3. 指中國屈原的《離騷》,後泛指詩文:~體。~人。~客。風~。 [English: Refers to Qu Yuan's "Li Sao," which later broadly referred to poetry: ~ style. ~ person. ~ guest. Wind ~; (1) refers to ancient poetry or culture such as "Shijing" and "Li Sao"; (2) refers to the light and frivolous behavior of women.]
4. 舉止輕佻,作風下流:~貨。 [English: Coquettish behavior; vulgar style: ~ goods.]
5. 同“ 臊 ”(sāo ㄙㄠ)。 [English: Same as "臊" (sāo).]
騷 sāo (动)
【本义】:刷馬 [English: Original meaning: To brush a horse.]
【造字法】:形聲。从馬,蚤聲。 [English: Character formation: Phonetic compound, composed of horse and an insect sound.]
1. 同本义 ([En.] brush horse)
2. 騷動;動亂 ([En.] tumult; disturb; upset)
3. 通「搔」。抓,撓,以指甲輕刮 ([En.] scratch)
4. 跛行 ([En.] limp)
5. 憂愁 ([En.] worry)
6. 傳:「騷,憂也。」 [English: Legend: "Sao means worry."]
騷 sāo (名)
1. 憂愁 ([En.] worried; depressed)
2. 指屈原的《離騷》的省稱 ([En.] short for Li Sao.)
3. 詩體的一種 ([En.] a literary writing.)
4. 泛指詩文 ([En.] poem; verse.)
騷 sāo (形)
1. 通「臊」。腋臭、狐臭 ([En.] bromhidroses)
2. 賣弄風情的 ([En.] coquettish.)
3. 〈方〉∶雄性的 ([En.] male.)
古通“掃”,盡其所有,掃數出動。 [English: Refers to old usage of "sao," to exhaust all resources, mobilizing everything.]