Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "掃", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "掃", and master the standard way of writing the character "掃".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 掃
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "掃" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
掃 (sǎo)
1. To use a broom or similar object to remove dust or garbage.
2. To clear away, eliminate.
3. Completely, entirely, to use up all.
4. To fall, to lose.
5. To paint or draw.
6. To sweep past swiftly.
7. To end, to conclude.
8. To offer sacrifices or pay respects.
掃 (sǎo)
【本义】: Clean up.
【造字法】: A compound character formed by the radicals for "hand" and "broom," indicating the action of sweeping.
1. Same meaning as the basic definition: clean up; sweep.
同本義 ([En.] clean up; sweep)
2. To sweep away.
掠過 ([En.] sweep away)
3. To clear away, eliminate.
清除,消滅 ([En.] eliminate)
4. To paint, to dye.
畫,染 ([En.] paint)
5. To offer sacrifices, to renovate.
祭掃 ([En.] sacrifice and renovate)
6. To write swiftly.
飛快地書寫 ([En.] write)
掃 (sǎo)
1. Fully, entirely, total.
盡,全部 ([En.] total)
2. Also see sào.
另見 sào
掃 (sǎo)
1. A broom made of bamboo branches or similar materials to sweep the ground.
掃 (sào)
1. Another pronunciation of 掃 (sǎo).
掃 sào
2. Also see sǎo.
另見 sǎo