Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "鬲", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "鬲", and master the standard way of writing the character "鬲".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 鬲
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "鬲" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
鬲 [gé]
1. 【名】古水名。即今漳卫新河,是中国河北、山东两省的界河。
(Ancient river name, now known as Zhangwei New River, which is the boundary river between Hebei and Shandong provinces in China.)
2. 【名】古国名。鬲国,相传为夏方国。西汉在其地设鬲县。
(Ancient state name, Ge state, said to be part of the Xia dynasty. The Western Han established Ge County in its area.)
3. 【名】通“膈”。横隔膜。
(Also means "diaphragm.")
4. 【名】通“槅”。大车轭。
(Also means "yoke.")
5. 【名】地名,汉置。今山东省德州市东南。
(Place name, established during the Han dynasty; located in the southeast of Dezhou city in Shandong province.)
6. 【名】水名,源于河北,流入山东。
(Water name, originating in Hebei and flowing into Shandong.)
7. 【动】通“隔”。阻隔。
(As a verb, it means "to separate.")
8. 【动】另见 lì。
(See also lì.)
鬲 [lì]
1. 【名】古代炊器。用于烧煮或烹炒的锅,特指类似于鼎状的炊具。
(Ancient cooking utensil, used for boiling or frying, specifically refers to a cooking tool similar to a tripod.)
2. 【名】本义: 古代炊器。用于烧煮或烹炒的锅,特指类似于鼎状的炊具。
(Original meaning: ancient cooking utensil used for boiling or frying, specifically referring to a tripod-like cooking device.)
3. 【名】造字法: 象形。金文字形,象饮食器具形。
(Character formation: pictographic. The bronze script depicts the shape of cooking utensils.)
4. 【引】古鼎中有三足皆空,中可容物者,所谓鬲也。
(From the Song Dynasty, Shen Kuo: "The ancient tripod has three hollow legs and can hold things; this is called a 'ge'.")
5. 【例】又如: 鬲如(形状突起高绝如鬲鼎的样子)。
(Example: 如 "ge ru," meaning "shaped like a prominent tripod.")
6. 【名】另见 gé。
(See also gé.)