1.〔轇~〕See “轇”.
1. (Note: Refers to a previous or related character.)
2. 車聲。
2. Sound of a vehicle.
3. 車聲。《集韻•舝韻》:“輵,車聲。”
3. Sound of a vehicle. "Jiyun • Sheyun": “輵, sound of a vehicle.”
4. 〔輵轄〕➊轉搖貌。
4. (Note: Refers to the term '輵轄')
1. Description of swaying.
5. 〔輵轄〕➊轉搖貌。《集韻•曷韻》:“輵,輵轄,轉摇皃。”➋也作“輵磍”。前卻。《史記•司馬相如列傳》:“蛭踱輵轄容以委麗兮。”一說搖目吐舌。也作“輵螛”。《玉篇•石部》:“磍,輵磍,摇目吐舌也。”又盛怒。《玉篇•石部》:“磍,輵磍,盛怒也。”
5. Description of swaying. "Jiyun • Heyun": “輵, 輵轄, description of swaying.” It is also written as "輵磍". Refers to moving back or forth. In "Records of the Grand Historian • Biography of Sima Xiangru": “The leech writhes, presenting beauty with its sway.” Some interpret this as rolling eyes and sticking out the tongue. Also written as "輵螛". In "Yupian • Stone Section": “磍, 輵磍, rolling eyes and sticking out tongue.” It also indicates great anger. In "Yupian • Stone Section": “磍, 輵磍, great anger.”
6. 車疾貌。
6. Description of fast vehicle.
7. 車疾貌。《集韻•韻》:“輵,車疾皃。”
7. Description of fast vehicle. "Jiyun • Yun": “輵, description of fast vehicle.”