Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "黎", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "黎", and master the standard way of writing the character "黎".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 黎
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "黎" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
黎 [lí]
1. 众,众多: numerous; many.
- 例:黎民 (people; masses)
- 例:黎庶 (the common people; commoners)
2. 古通“黧”,黑色: with a dark complexion; weather beaten.
3. 古国名: Li state, located in today's Licheng, Shanxi Province; some say it was in the southwest of today's Changzhi.
4. 姓:surname.
形 [形]
【本义】: 黍胶。以黍米制成。古代用以粘履。The original meaning: An adhesive made from millet, used in ancient times to stick shoes.
【造字法】: 形声。从黍,利省声。Principle of character formation: Phono-semantic compound; composed of the element for millet (黍) and the phonetic element (利).
1. 假借为“齐”。众多,数目很多: numerous.
- 引:《诗·大雅·桑柔》:民靡有黎,具祸以烬。
- 引:《尔雅》:黎,众也。
- 引:《书·尧典》:黎民于变时雍。
- 引:《礼记·大学》:以能保我子孙黎民。
- 引:《汉书·司马相如传》:觉悟黎烝。
- 引:《孟子·梁惠王上》:黎民不饥不寒。
2. 颜色黑中带黄: with a dark complexion; weather beaten.
- 引:《释名》:土青曰黎。
- 引:《国语·吴语》:今王播弃黎老。
- 引:《书·禹贡》:厥土青黎。
- 引:司马迁《史记》:面目黎黑。
3. 老,年纪大。通“梨”、“耆”: old.
- 引:《方言十二》:黎,老也。
- 例:黎老 (elderly person).
动 [动]
1. 粘: stick.
- 引:《尔雅翼》:古人作履,粘以黍米,谓之黎。
2. 比及,等到: till; when; by the time.
- 引:《史记·高祖本纪》:黎明,围宛城三匝。
名 [名]
1. 古诸侯国名: Li state, situated in today’s Licheng, Shanxi Province.
- 引:《诗·邶风·式微》:黎侯寓于卫。
2. 少数民族名,住在海南岛: Li nationality.
- 例:黎弓 (bows used by the Li people); 黎单 (wood cotton fabric woven in alternating blue and red by the Li people).
3. 姓: surname.