Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "励", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "励", and master the standard way of writing the character "励".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 励
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "励" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
励 (lì)
1. 劝勉: Encourage; exhortation.
- Example: 勉励意志 (encourage will); 奖励 (reward); 勉励 (to encourage); 励精图治 (to exert oneself for good governance).
2. 姓: A surname.
3. 古同“厉”、“砺”: An ancient word, same as "厉" and "砺," meaning to hone or sharpen; to invigorate.
- Example: 砺翼 (to lend support to a ruler with effort); 励志 (to encourage one's determination; to focus on a certain cause); 励节 (to uphold principles and persevere).
本义: 勉力,努力: The original meaning refers to exerting oneself; to try hard.
造字法: 形声。从力,厉声: Formation of the character is phonetic and semantic, combining "力" (strength) and "厉" (a sound).
同本义: 同本义 ([En.] encourage; exert oneself; try hard).
振作: Rouse oneself for vigorous efforts.
- Example: 励精 (to uplift one's spirit).
1. 说文: 勵,勉力也 (Encouragement means to exert effort).
2. 书·立政: 用勵相我邦家 (Use encouragement to support our country).
3. 书·皋谟: 庶明励翼 (May the wise inspire and support).
4. 鬼谷子·决篇: 励于一言 (To be encouraged by a single word).
- 励志 (to concentrate one's efforts on a cause),
- 励节 (to uphold one's principles).
振作: Rouse oneself for vigorous efforts.
- Example: 励精更始 (to invigorate oneself for renewal).