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齁 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 齁

齁 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 齁

齁 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 齁

Pinyin hōu
19 strokes
齁 [hōu] 1. 鼻息声。 (Snoring sound) 2. 吃太咸或太甜的东西后使喉咙不舒服。 (Discomfort in the throat caused by eating overly salty or sweet food) Example: 这咸菜真~人。 (This pickled vegetable is really too salty.) 3. 方言,很,非常。 (Dialectal term meaning very; awfully) Example: ~苦。 ~咸。 ~冷。 (Very bitter. Very salty. Very cold.) 齁 [hōu] 1. 熟睡的鼻息声 ([En.] snore) 2. 哮喘病 (【英】:asthma)。如:齁齁齃齃(喘急的样子) (Asthma; for example: cough and wheeze) 3. 形容食物过咸或过甜以致口如火灼的感觉 (【英】:sickeningly sweet or salty). 如:齁得难受 (Feels sickeningly uncomfortable) 4. 〈方〉∶过甚,非常 (【英】:very; awfully). 如:齁苦;天气齁冷 (Very bitter; the weather is awfully cold) 象形意义: 1. 熟睡的鼻息声 ([En.] snore) 引用: 《虞初新志·秋声诗自序》:夫齁声起。 (Quotation from historical text) 例: 痰齁;寒齁;齁齁声(状声词。形容鼻息声,打鼾声);齁齃(鼻息声) (Phlegm sounds; cold sounds; snoring sounds; wheezing sounds)
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