Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "候", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "候", and master the standard way of writing the character "候".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 候
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "候" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
候 [hòu]
动词 (Verb)
1. 等待 (wait for): 等~ (wait), ~车室 (waiting room), ~选人 (wait for candidates), 守~ (guard while waiting), ~补 (waiting for a remedy), ~场 (waiting area), ~审 (waiting for a trial), ~诊 (waiting for a diagnosis).
2. 看望,问好 (visit; send one's respects to): 伺~ (visit), 问~ (inquire).
3. 时节 (season): 时~ (season), 气~ (climate), ~鸟 (migratory birds), ~虫 (seasonal insects).
4. 事物在变化中的情状 (state of things in change): 火~儿 (in the state of fire), 症~ (symptoms).
5. 古代把五天称为“一候”,现气象学上仍沿用 (in ancient times, a period of five days was called "a pentad", still used in meteorology): ~温 (average temperature every five days).
名词 (Noun)
1. 斥候,军候。军中任侦察之事者 (scout).
2. “堠”的古字。边境伺望、侦察敌情的设施,哨所,土堡 (fortress).
3. 官吏 (official).
4. 掌管伺察、稽查等事的小吏 (low-ranking officer in charge of surveillance and inspection).
5. 边境守望、报警的官吏 (border guard and alarm official).
6. 负责迎送宾客的官吏 (official in charge of welcoming and sending off guests).
7. 驿站,驿馆 (station).
8. 古代计时单位。五天为一候 (pentad; five days).
9. 引申为节候,时令 (climate).
10. 症候 (sign).
11. 时节 (season).
12. 征兆 (omen).