1. Same as "羽" (yǔ), which generally refers to feathers or wings. In the context of the dictionary, it indicates the initial stage of feather growth. Example from text: "翭,羽初生皃" (When first born, it resembles feathers).
2. Alternative reference includes "羽" (yǔ). According to "玉篇•羽部" (Yupian, section on feathers), it notes the initial appearance of feathers. Another reference from "儀禮•既夕禮" (Rites of the Ceremonies) states, "翭矢一乘" (a single cart of arrows).
3. In "九章算術•粟米" (Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art), it is mentioned: "Now there are six hundred twenty coins to buy two thousand one hundred翭" (referring to a quantity measured in relation to feathers).